Tuesday, April 29, 2008

WTF!?!?! Of The ENTIRE Week

For starters, has anyone noticed for the past few months the people over at Condé Nast are really starting to get under people's skin? I mean first it was LeBron and Gisele and Gweneth in Vogue. Now for June, we have Miley Cyrus and Vanity Fair. I personally feel that all of the hullabaloo is totally unwarranted and unnecessary.


I would like to say to you that as an artist of a younger generation you have a moral standard to uphold. In addition to this, there is nothing artistically wrong with your pictures. Your father was there with you at the shoot and you were perfectly fine and comfortable then. Now, a few of your fans get upset and you start to think, "well this might hurt my reputation, which in turn hurts my profits" So you decide to apologize for doing nothing wrong. You took back a statement that you originally meant to put out there about there being a serenity and innocence that is present in you that has been lost with the recent events of fellow celebutaunts. I think it takes great cowardice to respond to such backlash from a few photos as distancing yourself from them. Again, for the record, you did nothing wrong. You are fifteen. You are developing into a woman before the eyes of millions. You wore a drape over yourself to protect the innocence that still exists within you. I can't tell you much about the world, but I can tell you one thing for sure, by not standing behind something that you originally found artistic, you have probably ruined you shot at ever being on the cover of Vanity Fair or any other Condé Nast publication for quite sometime. But I still think you are a wonderful role model for little boys and girls everywhere and honestly, you're probably the one raising majority of the kids anyway.

Now back to the issue. I think that people should let this young woman be free to be herself. I highly doubt your twelve year old is looking at a Vanity Fair magazine understanding the social consciousness and awareness about global warming and politics, let alone seeing her on the cover. Seriously people let's all be a little bit more realistic, by the time your child is 4 years old, they've heard about sex, caught someone having sex or someone in the school yard has said to them "i'll show you mine, if you show me yours." This is a major WTF!?!?

**Image courtesy of Condé Nast Publications
***The above letter is a reflection of the authors position and does not neccessairly represent those of the entire F*Word staff.