Lexie Loves Big Bags. I mean she has a passion for big bags that can not be quenched. She loves them in alligator, suede, leather, snakeskin, cloth, denim, I honestly think she would wear the right bag if it came made of paper! She is a doll, but she's a bear when it comes to her bags! Never mind the fact that she has soooo many, 1 more couldn't hurt. So here's to you Lexie (and everyone out there like her)...I found some nice BIG HANDBAGS(GI-NORMAS)....See if you like them too.
Linea Pelle/Sydney Large (Really Big) Tote
Linea Pelle/Dylan Patchwork Tote
49 Square Miles/Big Mouth Hobo
49 Square Miles/Basket Case Hobo
I'm quite sure some more "Big Bags" are out there to be found. If you know of some let us know, ok?
"Compassion is the basis of morality."---Arnold Schopenhauer