Lorenz Leather has been creating handcrafted leather jackets and accessories in Florence, Italy since 1982. Each piece is produced with genuine Italian leather and is handmade by the most skilled Florentine artisans. These bags are WELL made. It would be a crime not to show them to you! Style and craftmanship, I can't think of a better marriage.
Catalina Tan
Catalina is a Lorenz Leather classic. Since it came out, this gorgeous handbag has become their most sought after handbag thus far
Torrina Tuscan Red
Torrina's elegant look will fit any occasion with its versatile design; it comes with a shoulder strap for day or handles for a more evening look.
Lasiana Camel Tan
Lasiana's sleek size is perfect for evenings out while still having a functional design.
"The first step in the acquisition of wisdom is silence, the second listening, the third memory, the fourth practice, the fifth teaching others."---Solomon Ibn Gabriol
Lovin Life, Truth Is