Monday, June 23, 2008

I Want Grey's Ant Pants... NOW!!!

**Pictured are Grey Ant's High Waisted Six Pocket & Welt Jeans

I have a thing for huge pants. It's almost like my obsession with humungo-purses. Oversize things grab my attention a lot better than brightly colored things for several reasons, the person who decides to don something of that size must have balls. {Not everyone will agree with the choice} Must be prepared to lose something, be it a shoe or car keys. And finally, are truly in touch with classic style.

My covet(s) of the moment happen to be a pair of Grey Ant Welt Jeans that I picked up at a store in L.A. a month ago. These jeans are simply divine and for them to be so large on the other side of they knee, they aren't heavy. The jeans have a slight stretch to them so they flatter your body quite well in the tummy area that women love to hate. Go get your magnifying glass out and take a up close and personal look at these ants.