Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Yeah!, My Ankle's Gone Down

You know how I nearly got hooked on Vicodin & Tylenol and had to pop anti inflammatories like they were candy? Well let me say that I had a big ole brain fart because I just said forget it all. The pharmaceuticals weren't doing me any good. I mean I'd take the vicodin and the anti-inflammatory and basically I wound up high with a little bit of relief. Then I said I was going to go to Dr. Schulze (A Natropath) and see what he suggested. Well on my way I found out about these foot patches called Herbal Patches Plus. Being curious, I decided to spend some time on the website and eventually decided to order. I was thinking I could use whatever herbal soak I learned of by night and the patch by day. Then I remembered hearing something about foot patches not working, I think it may have been on a news magazine or something, but I decided to give this a try anyway. Reading the website, I was being educated on why my ankle might be swollen, reflexology, frankly speaking I just wanted something that worked! I tried them and they worked. Today, I can say that I'm so glad I did because I really don't think I could've gone on another 2 weeks like that. I'm near 100% now so I'll be shopping for shoes, boots and whatever else. Thank you all for being so patient with me and if you hear of someone with swollen limbs, you can tell them about Herbal Patches Plus, a tip straight from me to you.

"The power of love to change bodies is legendary, built into folklore, common sense, and everyday experience. Love moves the flesh, it pushes matter around.... Throughout history, "tender loving care" has uniformly been recognized as a valuable element in healing."---Larry Dosse

Lovin Life, Truth Is