Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Catalog Crazy

Okay, you know how you recieve all those catalogs, magazines and whatever else in the mail pertaining to fashion? This week I've got some pretty good looks out of them. Let's start with Spiegel. They are having their final winter sale. They have a couple of good looks in there too! Like this wide-legged pants suit. It's cute and smart and affordable. They also have a yellow blouse and gray skirt in there that are from their spring collection. The other catalog that caught my attention is the Victoria's Secret. Now Victoria's Secret always has some really qute things. Brook's Brothers has got some really neat deals going on now too. This white dress over at Ralph Lauren. It's a Blue Label and it's called the Lex Cotton Voile Dress. Qute, isn't it!

You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life.--Winston Churchill

Lovin Life, truthis


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